Federal Assistance Clearinghouse
State and Local Review Process
Missouri’s Intergovernmental Review Process was established to fully implement and utilize the opportunities provided to the state by Presidential Executive Order 12372, “Intergovernmental Review of Federal Programs,” which supercedes the authority of OMB Circular A-95. Governor Christopher S. Bond signed Missouri Executive Order 83-6 initiating the State and Local Review and Comment Process.
The review process was designed with the assistance of the Governor’s Task Force on State and Local Review and Comment Process. This group included local elected officials, special interest groups representing local governments, and representatives from the Legislative and Executive branches of state government.
Under Missouri Executive Order 83-6, the Office of Administration, Commissioner's Office, Intergovernmental Relations Section has been designated as the state’s Single Point of Contact (SPOC) and is charged with implementing the State and Federal Executive Orders and federal agency regulations. The SPOC shall be known as the State Clearinghouse.
The Missouri Federal Assistance Clearinghouse was established to provide an opportunity for state agencies, regional planning commissions/councils of governments and local governments to find out about and comment on grant applications, direct federal development and environmental assessments and impact statements before they are funded or approved.
The primary functions of the Clearinghouse include:
- Evaluating the significance of proposed federal or federally assisted projects to state, areawide or local plans and programs, as appropriate.
- Receiving and disseminating project notifications to appropriate state agencies and regional clearinghouses.
- Assuring, pursuant to section 102(2)(c) of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, that appropriate state, metropolitan, regional, or local agencies which are authorized to develop and enforce environmental standards are informed of and are given opportunity to review and comment on the environmental significance of proposed projects for which federal assistance is sought.
- Providing public agencies charged with enforcing state and local laws the opportunity to review and comment on the project for which assistance is sought.
- Providing liaison between federal agencies contemplating direct federal development projects and the state or areawide agencies or local governments having plans or programs that might be affected by the proposed project.
- Eliminating duplication and informing the public of project activity throughout the state.
Review Procedure
The State Clearinghouse works with the state's Regional Planning Agencies (see list of regional planning commissions/councils of government below) who have been designated as regional review clearinghouses that conduct reviews of grant applications on a local level.
The Missouri Federal Assistance Clearinghouse primarily reviews all programs which federal agencies have indicated are eligible for review under Presidential Executive Order 12372.
To determine if an application will require Clearinghouse review, an applicant should check the listing. Go to the Drop Down menu "Select Domain" and choose "Assistance Listings". Type in the CFDA of the grant you are applying for. Select the Grant Title and scroll down to “Preapplication Coordination”. This section will tell you if your grant is eligible for review under Executive Order 12372. If there is any uncertainty about whether or not a specific application must be submitted to the Clearinghouse, the applicant should contact the Clearinghouse before submitting the project.
Missouri Federal Assistance ClearinghouseOffice of Administration
Missouri State Capitol Building, Room 125
201 West Capitol Avenue, P.O. Box 809
Jefferson City, MO 65101
Phone: (573) 751-0337
One copy of the application that will be filed with the federal agency should be submitted to the Missouri Federal Assistance Clearinghouse and one copy to the appropriate Regional Clearinghouse.
The application to the State Clearinghouse should include the 424 Federal Assistance Form including the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) number; Program Narrative or Executive Summary or Abstract; Site Location Map and Drawing (if construction project or water and/or sewer project). You should not send your full application. You may fax or e-mail information.
Upon receipt of an application and the assignment of a State Application Identifier (SAI) number, a sixty-day review period is in effect (a federal agency will allow state and local officials thirty to sixty days for review and comment). The State Clearinghouse prints a Weekly Index which includes pertinent information of all applications received for federal assistance and direct federal development and distributes to appropriate State and Regional Review Agents. Reviewers may request additional information or additional time for review of a particular application. The State Clearinghouse compiles reviewing agencies' comments and issues a sign-off letter on the project to the applicant. The applicant then forwards a copy of the clearance letter to the federal funding agency.
Regional Clearinghouses
111 Steinhagen Road
P. O. Box 429
Warrenton, Missouri 63383
FAX: 636/456-2329
ceggen@boonslick.org Bootheel Regional Planning and Economic Development Commission
105 East North Main
Dexter, Missouri 63841
FAX 573/614-5182
hbarnett@bootrpc.com East-West Gateway Council of Governments
One Memorial Drive, Suite 1600
St. Louis, Missouri 63102
FAX 314/231-6120
Jim.Wild@ewgateway.org Green Hills Regional Planning Commission
1104 Main Street
P.O. Box 28
Trenton, Missouri 64683
FAX 660/359-3096
Corinne@ghrpc.org Harry S. Truman Coordinating Council
407 S Pennsylvania Ave Suite 204
Joplin MO 64801
gbrinks@hstcc.org Kaysinger Basin Regional Planning Commission
221 N Second St.
Clinton, Missouri 64735
FAX 660/885-4166
Kristi@kaysinger.com Lake of the Ozarks Council of Local Governments
34 Roofener
P. O. Box 3553
Camdenton, Missouri 65020
FAX 573/346-9686
steven.dust@loclg.org Mark Twain Regional Council of Governments
42494 Delaware Lane
Perry, Missouri 63462
FAX 573/565-2205
chultz@marktwaincog.com Meramec Regional Planning Commission
#4 Industrial Drive
St. James, Missouri 65559
FAX 573/265-3550
bprigge@meramecregion.org Mid-America Regional Council
600 Broadway, Suite 200
Kansas City, Missouri 64105-1536
FAX 816/421-7758
206 East Broadway
P. O. Box 140
Ashland, Missouri 65010
FAX 573/657-2829
davidbock@midmorpc.org Mo-Kan Regional Council
224 N. 7th St.
St. Joseph, Missouri 64501
FAX 816/233-8498
tyler@mo-kan.org Northeast Missouri Regional Planning Commission
P. O. Box 248
326 East Jefferson
Memphis, Missouri 63555
FAX 660/465-7163
derekweber@nemorpc.org Northwest Missouri Regional Council of Governments
114 West Third
Maryville, Missouri 64468
FAX 660/582-7264
jerri@nwmorcog.org Ozark Foothills Regional Planning Commission
3019 Fair Street
Poplar Bluff, Missouri 63901-1183
felicity@ofrpc.org Pioneer Trails Regional Council
802 South Gordon
Concordia Community Center, Rm LL-1
P.O. Box 123
Concordia, Missouri 64020
FAX 660/463-7944
norm@trailsrpc.org South Central Ozark Council of Governments
P. O. Box 100
4407 County Road 2340
Pomona, Missouri 65789
FAX 417/256-6188
tcourtney@scocog.org Southeast Missouri Regional Planning Commission
One West St. Joseph Street
P. O. Box 366
Perryville, Missouri 63775
FAX 573/547-7283
bhorst@semorpc.org Southwest Missouri Council of Governments
Southwest Missouri State University
Center for Resource Planning and Management
901 South National Avenue
Springfield, Missouri 65897
FAX 417/836-4146