Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Division of Financial and Administrative Services
The Division of Financial and Administrative Services is responsible for distributing all federal and state funds to local school districts and other agencies that provide education-related services. The division assists local school officials with budgeting, audits, and the reporting of financial statistics, both state and federal. The division also provides assistance with school administrative and governance issues. Other personnel in this division administer the federally-funded school lunch and breakfast programs. This division also manages the department's internal business operations, such as accounting and procurement, budget, and human resources.
Foundation and Other Programs
Numerous programs and funding sources are used to ensure all Missouri children receive a quality education. The bulk of state aid is distributed to districts via the foundation formula. Missouri’s Public School Aid includes funding for foundation categorical add-on programs, including Early Childhood Special Education, Transportation, Career Education, and the Early Childhood Development Program. The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education also oversees the operation of three school systems administered by the State Board of Education: the Missouri School for the Blind, the Missouri School for the Deaf and the Missouri Schools for Severely Disabled.
Missouri Assistive Technology Council
The Missouri Assistive Technology Council supports increased access to assistive technology for Missourians of all ages with all types of disabilities. The council provides adaptive telecommunication devices and computer adaptations, short-term loan of a full range of assistive technology, used equipment exchange, and low-interest loans for the purchase of assistive technology and home modifications.
Missouri Charter Public School Commission
The Missouri Charter Public School Commission was established by state statute in 2012 with the authority to sponsor high-quality charter schools throughout the state. The commission consists of nine members and may approve proposed charters for its sponsorship.
Missouri Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing
The Missouri Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing advocates public policies, regulations, and programs to improve the quality and coordination of existing services for deaf persons and promotes new services when necessary. The commission promotes deaf awareness for the general public and for state agencies; develops and maintains quality interpreting services; maintains a website and information/referral network regarding services for deaf and hard of hearing people; and provides liaison efforts with elementary and secondary schools, colleges/universities, hospitals, prisons, Centers for Independent Living, and others. The commission also maintains a census of the deaf and hard of hearing population of Missouri.
Office of Adult Learning and Rehabilitation Services
The Office of Adult Learning and Rehabilitation Services administers statewide adult education services, including adult education and literacy, the high school equivalency-testing program (GED), and veteran’s education. The office provides specialized services to adult citizens with disabilities to help them achieve employment and independence. Offices are maintained across the state to provide convenient services to clients. Office personnel provide individualized counseling, training, and other services to help clients achieve gainful employment or independent living. The Disability Determinations Program is part of this office and operates under regulations of the Social Security Administration. Located in offices across the state, Disability Determinations Program personnel adjudicate claims from Missouri residents seeking federal disability benefits.
Office of Childhood
The Office of Childhood administers state and federal funds to support services that are essential to ensure Missouri’s children are safe, healthy, and ready to learn. The office works with local school districts in developing and improving early childhood special education services to preschool children with disabilities. This office is responsible for licensing child care providers, and is responsible for providing child care subsidies to low-income families with children to assist with the purchase of child care payments.
Office of College and Career Readiness
The Office of College and Career Readiness provides technical assistance to local school personnel in the adoption and implementation of the state’s performance standards and curriculum development for all content areas. This office assists comprehensive high schools, area career centers, and post-secondary institutions with the approval and monitoring of the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act programming. This office is also responsible for the development and oversight of the Missouri Assessment Program (MAP), as well as the administration of the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP).
Office of Educator Quality
The Office of Educator Quality is responsible for approving public and private educator preparation programs. This office issues certificates (licenses) to all professional personnel who work in Missouri’s schools, as well as assists with the review of certificate-holders who are charged with misconduct. This office is responsible for the implementation of teacher, principal, and administrator standards; as well as the implementation of Missouri’s Educator Evaluation System.
Office of Quality Schools
The Office of Quality Schools works to manage the Missouri School Improvement Program (MSIP), the state’s accreditation system for public school districts. This office also administers a wide range of state- and federally-funded programs that assist local schools (Title I, Title III and other federal programs), charter and other innovative schools, as well as developing a statewide system of support for schools, communities and families. Schools also are provided assistance on federal and state-developed improvement initiatives which are coordinated with other state and regional services.
Office of Special Education
The Office of Special Education administers state and federal funds to support services for students and adults with disabilities. Through their outreach programs and consulting services, these school systems assist local school personnel and families throughout the state in meeting the needs of children with disabilities.