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Department of Transportation


Administration supports the department in its mission with the following activities: auditing, financial services, risk management, legal services, communications, and human resource management.


Construction supports planning, design, right of way acquisitions, contractor payments for construction projects, federal pass-through funds to local entities and debt service on bonds associated with road and bridge construction.

Department Wide

The Missouri Department of Transportation’s department-wide unit provides fringe benefits for the department’s active employees, including retirement, long term disability, medical and life insurance, workers’ compensation, and the Employee Assistance Program.  This unit also provides for retiree medical insurance.

Fleet, Facilities, and Information Systems

Fleet, Facilities, and Information Systems supports the department’s fleet, facilities, procurement and information technology activities.


Maintenance is responsible for the maintaining of highways and bridges for safe and efficient traffic operations on the highway system.  Maintenance activities include restoration and preservation of roadways and bridges; snow and ice removal; emergency response to disaster events; Intelligent Transportation Systems maintenance; mowing; litter pick-up; signing and striping.

Multimodal Operations

Multimodal Operations supports state and federal programs related to aviation, railroads, transit, waterways and freight development.