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Senate Plan District Deviation
- Republican Caucus Compromise Map 8-9-11
- Harpool 2 8-8-11
- Riley 7-20-11
- Maupin 6-30-11
- Harpool 1 5-31-11
- Rupp 1 5-31-11
Compactness Reports
- Franken 2 โ 4-28-11 Compactness Reports
- Harpool 1 - 5-31-11 Compactness Reports
- Maupin 6-30-11 Compactness Reports
- Rupp 1 โ 5-31-11 Compactness Reports
- Chappelle-Nadal Option 1 and 2 โ 6-1-11 Compactness Reports
- Gatschenberger Senate 6-3-11 Compactness Reports
- Current Senators-St. Louis Compactness Report
- Current Senate Compactness Reports
- Riley 7-20-11 Compactness Reports
- Harpool 2 8-8-11 Compactness Reports
- Republican Caucus Compromise Map 8-9-11 Compactness Reports