The Office of Administration is responsible for the scheduling of activities held at the Governor's Garden.
Please note: The Governor's Garden is considered an extension of the Governor’s Mansion grounds and its use is at the discretion of the governor.
How to Reserve/Approval Process | Guidelines | Calendar PDF Document| Photos of Governor's Garden
Guidelines for use of the Governor's Garden:
- Reservations can be made for official state functions, rallies, and some private functions.
- Weddings are allowed.
- No alcoholic beverages are allowed.
- Fundraisers are not allowed, whether for profit or not.
- Reservations for private photo sessions, picnics or private gatherings can not be made. However, these activities are allowed if no other event is going on.
- Site amenities may be brought in for events, i.e. chairs, tables, etc. These are the sole responsibility of the user.
- Items that require anchoring into the ground are not permitted, as the area is covered by an underground lawn irrigation system.
- Any activity that does damage to the sidewalks or lawns is prohibited.
- The reserving party is responsible for proper cleanup of the area and disposal of all trash. Please be aware that another event may precede or follow your event, so allow time for setup and cleanup of your event when submitting your application.
To reserve the Governor's Garden:
- Applications will not be accepted prior to the first of the month for any date within that month for the following calendar year.
If today is August 22, 2008, and you would like to reserve a date in September of 2009, your application will not be accepted prior to September 1, 2008. - Reservations are limited to six hours maximum per event.
- Fill out and submit the Application for use of Governor's Gardens.
Application Approval Process:
- Applications are considered on a first come, first serve basis.
- A confirmation letter and permit will be sent to the approved applicant. The approval process generally takes up to 5 business days.
For cancelations please contact us in writing as soon as possible.